Helsinki Horse Show had a gap year in 2020 and the vast restrcitions caused by the pandemic are still valid in Europe and Finland. Many summer 2021 events have already been cancelled.
Event Director Tom Gordin, how does autumn 2021 look like for Horse Show?
Nobody knows at this stage what autumn brings. We follow the situation carefully in Europe and Finland. There are many good signs, such as vaccinations ja less incident cases. I believe, that bigger events can be oranized at the end of the summer. It will be interesting to see how long larger restrictions are needed. ”Meet, greet, eat & shop” action is essential for Horse Show. Large restrictions in the Helsinki Ice Hall don’t work well.
Do you have a Plan B?
Yes, of course we do. We know how to implement Plan A, i.e. organize a high-class international event with 35 year’s experience. Last year we learned how to carry out Plan B, which ment moving the event to 2021. Plan B means simply to move the event ahead one more year to 2022. If this happens, we adapt and ensure that Horse Show has many more years ahead of it.
Which factors are decisive when making decisions whether to organize or not?
In one word, restrictions. In case there are no notable restrictions, we will organize a spectacular Horse Show 2021, just as before. Our sponsors, ticket sale and HorseExpo exhibitors are ready to go. FEI ja the riders are waiting for great 5* events, which only started recently. In case there are significant restrictions in the Ice Hall, we will have to skip year 2021. One challenge is that we have to decide at latest by end of July, and do we know enough of October then?
Can Helsinki Horse Show be orgnized without spectators?
Unfortunately not. Ticket income is crucial to our budget and our sponsors and exhibitors will not be satisfied without crowds.

When will the decision be made?
The decision has to be made by the end of July. Then we will still have time to continue and start arrangements for the event, full speed.
What if the event will be moved to 2022?
Then we will have a gap year and set our focus and energy to 2022. It is important to concentrate on matters what you can control. We have agreed with our sponsors, that they will continue next year as well. All sold tickets are valid at the 2022 event. We believe strongly in the future.
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